Monday, July 9, 2007

Texting For T's

As noted in a previous post by Biray, we are entirely excited that IDEA is embracing the era of social media by creating a group in Facebook (to which membership has grew 8 members from the start of the conference to the end). In celebration of IDEA's representation in facebook, we custom designed t-shirts (below) and passed them out to those who took advantage of the interactive text messaging componet of our session!

That wasnt our only shirt however. Here's another one of our T's reading -

My online health goals include:

  1. Reduce MySpace between my waist & hips
  2. Google my fridge for healthier foods
  3. Flickr positive thoughts

Speaking of promotional activities, thanks to those of you who humored us by trying your hand at our "online lingo quiz (see below)" or allowng us to ink you up with our "I DIGG U" stamps. For those of you who we didnt meet or greet this time around, we will find you - Its URLife, Make it a Healthy WWWone!

Test Your Online Lingo

1. LOL

Laugh Out Loud

2. T+

Think Positive


Have a Nice Day

4. ^5

High Five

5. n00b


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